Struggling with procrastination and a lack of motivation? Join Diana Wong, PH.D. & Patricia Berry on a 5-week writing journey, Saturday mornings at the Back Office Studio. Writers will meet on…
A free networking event to create a community of current and future downtown workers. Each month, a different innovative organization in Ypsilanti will host this event. After working an eight-hour…
Ypsi's own, A Toast to Ypsi, a chapter of Toastmasters International, meets every Wednesday at noon. Be our guest and come to a free meeting.
We are thrilled to be hosting donation based yoga at The Back Office Studio as a weekly community event. Classes will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm.Class is for…
Calling all SoulCollage enthusiasts! Come join a growing group of SoulCollage practitioners for an evening of creating cards with other enthusiasts. This is an open, non-facilitated gathering for anyone familiar…
Bakers Dozen is a career networking group for IT and business management professionals. Participants share open positions and opportunities they are not personally interested in with the rest of the…
Lean In empowers women to achieve their ambitions through programs that counter gender stereotypes and advance opportunities for all women. Because we're more likely to get where we're headed if…